Strengthening Your Conscious Self © 2022

Physical Health Domain

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Public knowledge of the anatomical “self” is lacking and evidence points towards a growing need for anatomy education to the wider public. Taylor AM, Diggle P, Wessels Q. What do the public know about anatomy? Anatomy education to the public and the implications. Anatomy Science Education. 2018 Mar;11(2):117-123.

Learn about the skeletal and muscular systems. Learn how your body functions, moves, and interacts with your surrounding environment (kinesthetics), to gain a working knowledge of how to improve strength, endurance, and flexibility. Learn about the different systems and their functions, to learn how to live and function optimally.

Biology and Natural Science

Learn about plants and animals, chemicals, and toxins. Learn about the interconnectedness of all living things and the planet. Gain the knowledge of the natural sciences in order to apply practices that improve health and wellness for you, the people around you, your community, region, continent, and the planet.


Learn how your brain operates, from the smallest scale molecules, hormones, neurotransmitters, neurons, receptors, pathways, and neurogenesis. Learn about the neuroscience of therapy, self-improvement, and self-awareness, through a concept known as neuroplasticity.


Learn about genetics, DNA, RNA, viruses, blood cells, and symbiotic bacteria. Learn about multi-generational transmission of traits and trauma. The replicator map encoded in the smallest microscopic particles.


Learn about this sometimes controversial and conflicting sub-topic of genetics, “nature” versus “nurture.” If physical matter (brain) and genetics are the hardware and operating system, human experience is the software.

Alcohol & Drugs

Learn what happens to the body systems, central nervous system, and brain when you use drugs or alcohol. Learn the different short term and long term effects that different drugs have on your physical health and wellness. Learn about the ways your body protects you, and also heals the damage caused by drugs and alcohol, and when it is too late.

Addiction Science & Chemical Dependence

Many people still believe addiction is a conscious choice a person makes despite the very real and overwhelming amount of evidence that supports a much more complex view. Public laws and policies are still very much determined by public opinion and popular beliefs, not scientific data and research findings. It is important to understand substance use and addiction, for yourself, your family, your community, and society as a whole. After completing this module you will have a general understanding of the spectrum of drug and alcohol use, abuse, misuse, habitual or ritual use, addictive use, and actual physical dependence (a severe and chronic physical brain disease). Learn about the models of addiction and recovery and each method’s strengths and limitations. 

Medication Assisted Treatment

Learn the facts, challenge the misconceptions, separate fact from fiction and dispel the common myths. And also learn about the real strengths and limitations of this approach. Gain knowledge from studies researching the effectiveness of this type of treatment. 

Harm Reduction Philosophy

Learn the facts, challenge the misconceptions, separate fact from fiction and dispel the common myths. And also learn about the real strengths and limitations of this approach. Gain knowledge from studies researching the effectiveness of this type of approach to the public health emergencies of alcohol, opioid, and stimulant addiction. Learn about the catastrophic financial and collective psychological damage to society as a whole from the “war on drugs.” 

Pharmaceutical Science

Learn about the industry of the big pharmaceutical companies, the history, their research and development, lobbying efforts, connection to academic institutions and the food industry, new drug trials and clinical effectiveness, and the food and drug administration.


Learn about the histories of Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Social Work, and Counseling, for an understanding of how each school looks at psychotropic medication. Learn the history of psychotropic medication, the effectiveness of medication, and the phenomenon in research studies of placebo improvement, spontaneous remission, and treatment resistant mental illnesses.

Natural Remedies: Herbal Medicine

Learn the facts, challenge the misconceptions, separate fact from fiction and dispel the common myths. And also learn about the real strengths and limitations of this approach. Gain knowledge from studies researching the effectiveness of this type of treatment.

Psychedelic Assisted Treatment

Learn the facts, challenge the misconceptions, separate fact from fiction and dispel the common myths. And also learn about the real strengths and limitations of this approach. Gain knowledge from studies researching the effectiveness of these types of treatment. 

Holistic & Alternative Healing Approaches

Learn the facts, challenge the misconceptions, separate fact from fiction and dispel the common myths. And also learn about the real strengths and limitations of this approach. Gain knowledge from studies researching the effectiveness of these types of treatment. (Reiki, Acupuncture, Cupping, Leeches, Chiropractic, Sound, Mind-Body, and Meditation)

Physical Activity & Exercise

Gain a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of physical activities, individual exercises, and exercise routines you can do for your individual optimal physical health and wellness. Learn how to measure your mental capacity, physical limitations, disabilities, and psychological blocks obstructing the way to better health and wellness. 

Sports Psychology

Learn the secrets of the elite athletes: habits, rituals, mantras, affirmations, meditation, visualization, and mind-body practices which lead to self-discipline, motivation, psychological changes and physical changes, including your brain (think neuroplasticity). 

Exercise Science

Learn about how each type of exercise or exercise motion, with weights and without, changes bone and muscle density, which affects your metabolism, body fat percentage, body mass index, and overall weight. Learn about the connection and interactions between physical activity, neuroscience, and nutritional intake.

Sports Medicine

Learn what physical trainers and sports coaches know. Learn about the different approaches to sports and physical activity injury treatment. Learn about the types of injuries and risks associated with different types of sports and physical activity, and the importance of conditioning and stretching as it pertains to flexibility. 

Physical Resilience

Learn about the idea of physical resilience, compounded stress, compassion fatigue, collective stress and anxiety, embodied traumatic experiences and somatic trauma responses to triggers, conscious and subconscious. 

Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy

Learn the approaches and interventions being used and integrated into the occupations of physical and occupational therapy. Learn about ways to reduce the risk of workplace accidents, recreational accidents, and sports related injuries.

Clean Air & Water

Learn about the importance of clean water, clean air, healthy environments, safe and clean (green LEEDS) buildings and homes. Learn about the importance of rainforests, trees, our Oceans, and the coral reef. Learn how the Earth may actually be a living, breathing, interconnected, and collectively conscious planet. 

Sleep Maintenance

Learn about heart rate variability, circadian rhythms, sleep cycles, sleep scores, oxygen saturation, healthy digestive bacterial biome, and how that affects our whole health and wellness. Learn to implement the latest in sleep hygiene practices, and identify the barriers to good sleep. 

Restorative Rest & Relaxation

Learn about the importance of giving your brain, body, and conscious self, time to reset, rejuvenate, process the day’s experiences, and rebuild your resilience, on a daily basis. Learn the latest ideas for creating and experiencing leisure time and rest. Includes a list of pleasurable activities, in case you need ideas. 

Basic Needs (Survival)

Learn about the importance of providing basic human rights to all people, regardless of sex, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, age, education, ability, capacity, and daily activities of living functioning. Learn how providing basic needs benefits everyone, for instance, when it pertains to the spread of infectious diseases. Learn about our collective suffering, the drive for connection, a sense of belonging, and the symbiotic nature of humanity. Learn about the different theories of thinking about the basic needs of humans.