Important note! The website is always under construction. This site is the culmination of a lifelong journey for me and there have been multiple iterations of it throughout my career in recovery support and mental health care. Please report any problems, and direct any questions, comments, or concerns to me, James Fitzgerald, the website creator/developer and administrator through the contact page or via email. Thank you for your patience while the website project is being completed.


For current and potential therapy clients For current and potential health and wellness program clients

1. Explore the section starting with the (About) page. Review the separate pages by clicking on the links.

  • Review my rate and fee structure
  • Review my health insurance policies and the insurance company requirements and regulations.
  • Review an online version of my intake documents.
  • Review the HIPAA Privacy Policies and federal regulations regarding the use of protected health information.
  • Read about the Quenza app and website I use to engage my clients in therapeutic work between sessions.
  • Explore the media content I share from other content creators, about health and wellness issues, subjects, and approaches.
  • Read my latest posts about health and wellness related topics, from respected and reliable scientific and academic sources.

1. Explore the section starting with the (About) page. Review the separate pages by clicking on the links.

  • Review my rate and fee structure
  • Read about the Quenza app and website I use to engage my clients in therapeutic work between sessions.
  • Explore the media content I share from other content creators, about health and wellness issues, subjects, and approaches.
  • Review my policies on the health and wellness program, and coaching services. 
  • Review the coaching service contract and the terms of use of the health and wellness program.
  • Read my latest posts about health and wellness related topics, from respected and reliable scientific and academic sources.
  • Learn about the different types of coaching I integrate into my coaching practice.

2. Continue to learn more about me by clicking on the links at the bottom the (About) page.

  • Review my education, background, training history, and extensive work experience.
  • Continuing education certificates, VT licenses and licensing examinations I took and passed.
  • Liability Insurance, professional associations, and my integrative and holistic approach to therapy.
  • Modality of therapy, health and wellness philosophy, and my own self care practice and daily routine.

2. Continue to learn more about me by clicking on the links at the bottom the (About) page.

  • Review my education, background, training history, and extensive work experience.
  • Continuing education certificates, VT licenses and licensing examinations I took and passed.
  • My health and wellness philosophy, and my own self care practice and daily routine.

3. Explore the page (Daily Routine); you don’t have to wait until a few sessions have gone by to start planning your health and wellness journey.

  • Read the important terms and conditions
  • Learn about the pros and cons of positive psychology
  • Complete a self compassion assessment
  • Review a sample daily routine
  • Review a list of pleasant activities
  • Practice mindfulness and listen to some guided meditations
  • Read the latest book reviews
  • Review a list of suggested books and workbooks
  • Watch some content about health and wellness topics and issues
  • Read an inspirational quote
  • Read the NA Just for Today meditation
  • Read the AA Daily Reflection meditation
  • Read the Daily Reflection prompts
  • Read an article for educational purposes
  • Learn about cognitive distortions (negative thinking patterns)
  • Learn about cognitive biases (mental shortcuts)
  • Learn about logical fallacies (illogical arguments)
  • Learn about neurodevelopmental disorders and executive functions
  • Learn about emotions and identifying them
  • Learn about virtues (strengths, ethics, morals)
  • Learn about character strengths (capacities, personality)
  • Learn about the many coping skills in different therapies
  • Learn about emotional regulation and distress tolerance
  • Learn about mindfulness, radical acceptance, and dialectics
  • Learn about interpersonal effectiveness (relationships, friendships)
  • Learn about the seeking safety program
  • Learn about the tools in the mind/body therapeutic approaches
  • Learn about the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (crisis planning)

3. Explore the page (Daily Routine); you don’t have to wait until a few sessions have gone by to start planning your health and wellness journey.

  • Read the important terms and conditions
  • Learn about the pros and cons of positive psychology
  • Complete a self compassion assessment
  • Review a sample daily routine
  • Review a list of pleasant activities
  • Practice mindfulness and listen to some guided meditations
  • Read the latest book reviews
  • Review a list of suggested books and workbooks
  • Watch some content about health and wellness topics and issues
  • Read an inspirational quote
  • Read the NA Just for Today meditation
  • Read the AA Daily Reflection meditation
  • Read the Daily Reflection prompts
  • Read an article for educational purposes
  • Learn about cognitive distortions (negative thinking patterns)
  • Learn about cognitive biases (mental shortcuts)
  • Learn about logical fallacies (illogical arguments)
  • Learn about neurodevelopmental disorders and executive functions
  • Learn about emotions and identifying them
  • Learn about virtues (strengths, ethics, morals)
  • Learn about character strengths (capacities, personality)
  • Learn about the many coping skills in different therapies
  • Learn about emotional regulation and distress tolerance
  • Learn about mindfulness, radical acceptance, and dialectics
  • Learn about interpersonal effectiveness (relationships, friendships)
  • Learn about the seeking safety program
  • Learn about the tools in the mind/body therapeutic approaches
  • Learn about the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (crisis planning)

4. After I have created a user ID and password for you, feel free to explore the (Client Portal), and further explore the previously reviewed sections, with all the password protected pages unlocked.

  • Explore the page (Treatment Planner), to review the treatment planning process, you don’t have to wait until a few sessions have gone by to start planning your therapeutic journey.
  • Read a (Short Story) “A Journey with Parts Work” about my primary approach “Internal Family Systems Therapy.”
  • Please learn about the (Integration of Multiple Approaches) and types of therapy with neuroscience into one holistic approach.
  • Please learn more about each of the different approaches and how they would be practiced independently of each other.
  • Please explore the next section for information, education, assessment, screening, resources, and sources; and view the following pages:
    • Insurance Eligibility
    • Media Library
    • Recommended Books
    • Assessment/Screening
    • Resources
    • Quenza App/Portal
    • Daily Routine
    • Sources/Bibliography
    • Glossary
  • Explore the Health and Wellness Program and Life Coaching section.
4. After I have created a user ID and password for you, feel free to explore the (Client Portal), and further explore the previously reviewed sections, with all the password protected pages unlocked.